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  • green travelers

Our blog

Dernière mise à jour : 20 avr. 2019

The topic we choose ‘Ecologic and economic travel’ fits to a new way of traveling getting in progress, linked to the actual society issues.

Traveling is becoming more and more accessible nowadays, a lot of people with all kinds of backgrounds decide to travel in their own country or abroad. But the way of traveling is being challenged with the ecological issues we are facing currently.

New ways of traveling appeared recently, making people more conscious about the whole idea of traveling. Woofing in organic farms, conscious camping sites, cycling instead of driving cars, etc. are new ecological and economic approach of traveling, especially for our generation of students.

We are indeed in this group traveling a lot at this even moment and are aware of these issues, making a difference while living abroad.

Notably, Lionel is currently bagpacking through south-east Asia, which is one of the cheapest destination for Europeans. By avoiding any inside flights and favouring transportation like buses or ferries, everybody can both spare a lot of money and reduce their environmental impact at the same time. Sure, journeys are much longer, but it is also a great way to discover countries from the inside, to meet local populations, and to see wonderful landscapes through the windows. Besides, there is many alternatives to hotel rooms as well: couchsurfing, dorms or airbnb's are all great opportunities for a cheap sleep and for meeting

new friends.

Gabrielle traveled a lot in Europe, by using mostly her bike, her legs and hitchhiking. It sure gets cheaper, it's more ecological and it's a way to feel closer to what surround us. For living, she is doing woofing, wild camping, helping in self-sustaining communities and doing some dumpster diving (taking what is still good to eat from the trash). Society spare so much food, and we can help a little bit !

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